“I’m so glad we live in a world where Octobers exist.”
-L.M. Montgomery
Traditionally, autumn was the time to reap and store the harvest of a hard summer’s work. For many, the necessity of collective labor deepened a sense of reliance and connection among family, neighbors, and friends. There was much to celebrate when the harvest was safely stored away, and much to look forward to with the promise of rest on the horizon.
Our lives are no longer dictated by the rhythms of the land. As such, we are seldom offered opportunities to pause and reflect on what we have been provided. Lantern Light, Autumn Night seeks to rekindle that traditional sense of post-harvest connection. It’s a chance to celebrate life’s bounty amidst the cooler weather while welcoming a slower season.
As with so many global traditions, the use of light is used here as a reminder of what is good and true in the world. In the spirit of honoring the collective, we’ve opted for a pot-luck style meal. Consider also bringing a poem, prayer, or song as an offering for the evening.
We hope you’ll join for a special evening of reflection and celebration!
We’ll have pots of pumpkin soup and apple cider for our guests to partake in.
Please bring a dish and/or drink to share (savory sides, desserts, etc).
If so moved, bring a poem, prayer, or other reading that embodies the spirit of fall (to be read by you or a fellow brave friend).
Campfire and s’mores are inevitable.
Partners, and platonics welcome.
This event will be less structured and more casual than our formal dinners. Wear comfy fall clothes.
We’ll collectively sit for our meal at 6:00 pm.
We love kids, but we want to provide a space for parents to relax and fully engage with other grown-ups. Please opt for a sitter on this occasion.
What can I expect from a Wonder Club dinner?
Wonder Club is an immersive dinner experience uniquely designed to spark awe and inspire authentic connection.
It’s invitation to get to know one another better. An intentional question will be posed to guests at the start of the evening to draw us more deeply into the sweetness of shared space.
Poetry will likely be read.
There may be music.
There will definitely be laughter.
It’s an out-of-the ordinary opportunity to pause and reconnect with oneself and others.