Fellow Wonder Clubber Kate Bennis recently relayed an experience she had after the passing of her mother. While rummaging through old boxes of stored belongings, she stumbled across a carboard scrap on which her mother had written, “ANNOUNCE WHAT YOU WANT.” There was no explanation. The words simply stood there. Daring and expectant.
If winter has a theme, perhaps this is it. The darker hours and colder days invite us to retreat, to fold in on ourselves and feel into what surrounds us. Even the cicadas cease their song.
It is a crucial time, a reminder that all of life is an inevitable and repeating march through darkness, back toward the light. That a new year dawns in the midst of this season, on the waning side of the winter solstice, is no coincidence. This re-beginning beckons us to pause along the path and carefully choose the direction we will face.
The invitation for our Midwinter Feast is this: to leave behind the darkness of the year past, that which no longer serves and no longer need accompany, and step toward the light ahead. To choose. To announce (if even in whisper) what it is that you want. These layers of surrender allow us to more fully live within the truth of who we are. To be awake, with wonder and awe, to our own lives. We hope you will join us on this winter night as we capture a bit of magic together.
Midwinter Supper will take place at a historical home central to Charlottesville. Address will be sent the week prior.
This is a catered dinner. Please bring a bottle of wine to share.
Attire leans formal, with a slightly vintage feel; inspiration can be found here.
Cocktails will begin at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be served promptly at 7.
Seating will be limited, so we suggest booking early!
The suggested donation for this event is $65. Please email if this is prohibitive to attendance. If you are able to contribute more toward the admission of another, we welcome your generosity.