Mind & Soul
We are the most resourced civilization in the history of humanity. We have more science behind human behavior than ever before. We can grow and strengthen our relationships, increase our health, learn to ground ourselves, deepen our friendships, and break habits and patterns in astounding ways. Sometimes it can be overkill. But if used intentionally, it can provide a gateway to a valuable set of life-changing.
I love to read, but I have found the bitesize chunks of podcasts to be the most accessible. I like to listen when I exercise in the morning. Here are a few of my favorites…
Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
Mind and Life Institute
Hidden Brain
TED Talks Daily
Ten percent Happier with Dan Harris
The Tim Ferris Show
Rich Roll
Raising Good Humans (for parents)
Being Well
In tandem with the wealth of resources we have, we are also inundated more noise, more stimulation, and more input that any generation to ever walk this earth. Media has a massive impact on our worldview and perspective; research suggests we can even encounter vicarious trauma through exposure to its content.
We should all have the opportunity to view what our lives are like without this input. Consider challenging yourself to a tech and/or tv free day or week or even month. How do you spend your time? How does it change your energy?
The more important goal, here, is to understand the mechanisms driving our media usage. Are we lonely? Stressed? Tired? Taking the time to understand why we’re reaching for that outside distraction can be hugely instrumental in healing it. Notice the sensations fueling your desire to reach for your phone or remote. And then, see if you can sit with that discomfort. In this way, we make space for change.